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Irving Middle School

Campus Life MS


Mark Lighthall

This year we are doing Campus Life Club after school in room 110. We will be meeting every Wednesday from 3:15-4:25. We will have music, a snack, play group games, and sit down to talk about life and faith as a group.
Any student is welcome to join us whenever they can.

There is no sign up or commitment for Campus Life, small groups, or special events.

For Students Who Want to be More Involved:

“Cats and Coffee” Girl’s small group
● Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6-8pm at the Campus Life House (6401 Pine Lake Rd, Lincoln). We have iced coffee, play games, and have a Bible Study! It’s a blast and a GREAT way to grow in faith!

“Dogs and Donuts” Boy’s small group
● Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6-8pm at Epic Church (6601 S 70th, Lincoln). We have donuts, play games, and have a Bible Study! This new small group will encourage growth in faith within a great community!